Cartoon: Jack boots in Portland • Sacramento News & Review

Revolution—definition–an overthrow or repudiation and the thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.

Coup d’état definition, a sudden and decisive action in politics, especially one resulting in a change of government illegally or by force.

Both these methods of changing government have been used to remove the tyranny of the current governing entity. The American and French Revolutions are prime examples and, surprisingly to some, so is the Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro seeking to overturn Fulgencio Batista who was no more of a democratic fair minded ruler of that island nation than Old Fidel turned out to be. But revolutions can be considered…well revolutionary and have often been cheered on by both the governments and the citizens of other lands

Coups d’etat are associated with the frequent overthrows of governments in South America and Africa that have occupied the Foreign News sections of the media for the past 70 years. They can be conducted from within such as the generals removing the elected president of a country or from without as a small group inserts itself by stealth or violence to eradicate the present government’s power.

Both methods can be utilized to nullify the the tyrants, despots, and petty satraps known for abusing their own people in a never-ending quest for power and wealth they could otherwise not achieve with fully democratic processes.

But in the United States of America at this very moment we are undergoing a Coup D’etat not by dissenters seeking to remove a dictator but by the dictator himself, the legitimacy of his power being of dubious credibility, with the goal of consolidating his power and expanding it and perpetuating it beyond any pretense of legitimacy.

With the events of the past week in placing federal “shock troops” in select cities, very clearly because they have Democratic mayors, it is clear that Racist Drumpf has abandoned all subtlety and reason and lawfulness and democratic ideals in exchange for maintaining his ruling power by armed force.

There are multiple elements to and evidence of his treachery to the American people. Before I recount them I want to emphasize that he is not in this alone. Whether insiders in his Cabal or not, members of his own political party have been complicit in his efforts. From refusing to even consider an Obama Supreme Court nomination to confirming federal judges at all levels whose only qualifications, besides owning a law degree, are that they have pledged to return America to the 19th century, the Republican Senate s a full-blown partner in the treachery. Add in the refusal to look at the impeachment evidence with an unjaundiced eye his acquittal reeks of those cases in history or legend where the jurors after finding the obviously guilty not at all so, leave the courthouse with an overflow of $100 bills dripping from their pockets.

The latest appalling exercise of authoritarianism comes to us from Portland with the jackbooted Gestapo unaccountable to anyone and soon coming to a neighborhood near you.

This follows a pattern of escalating abuse of our already precarious justice system—precarious if you’re not white and rich and well-connected that he has utilized practically from Day 1 with the ukases against the wrong kind of immigrants to stealing money to build a crappy wall, to ripping infants from the arms of mothers whose only crime is the mistaken notion that the U.S. is a democracy and a better place to live for their families.

He has failed to do the easiest, most basic duty of his office which was to provide leadership to thwart the pandemic to the best of our ability by marshalling the best doctors and scientists available with the expertise and knowledge to advise of the best course to follow, realizing that this disease itself presents constantly new challenges that may necessitate a change of course or modification of practices. Instead he has turned it into a political football (possibly the only football we see this year) where millions of his cultists endanger millions of their fellow Americans by refusing to perform the simple task of wearing a mask.

Every lie he has told—and, of course, there are thousands—and every accusation of “Fake News” are designed to gaslight us knowing his cultists swallow everything whole and which sets them up against their fellow citizens. That has manifested itself in the worst ways with more racism not less, more irrational violence not less, and more of a divide not less. When Americans should be united to fight a common scourge, COVID-19, he divides us, practically accusing his political opposition of conjuring up the disease itself, greatly over-emphasizing its impact, and desiring to destroy the economy by keeping businesses closed to slow the spread as a simple tactic to prevent his re-election.

His rhetoric is increasingly anti-democratic, refusing to pledge to accept the election results, advocating for the census to ignore undocumented immigrants because that will reduce seats in Congress for areas with high concentrations of them which are less likely to support him, falsely claiming voter fraud past and future as a hedge against facing an election defeat, urging more militarization of regular police departments with more violent tactics, and “more than two dozen reports of individual acts of perversion SO profound and disgusting that decorum prohibits listing them here.”

I have been warning for months that the bastard, losing by a nose or by an irrefutable landslide, may try to remain past next January 20. He has loosed the jackboots, from agencies whose members seem to share his mentality in regard to police actions, so he will have a loyal force at the ready to accomplish his Coup.

This is NOT satire. This is NOT fantasy. This is a legitimate concern and I plead with you all to take my warning seriously. I would prefer to be wrong. But all the indicia of a bloody Coup in the offing are there. Please heed.



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  • LIttle Minx  On October 1, 2022 at 7:59 PM

    Wow, I bet you wish you hadn’t been so prescient, UMOC.

Please give me your thoughts.